DILI,15/08/2017 (FDCH) The President of the Republic, Dr. Francisco Guterres “Lu Olo”, has met with the Human Capital Development Fund (FDCH) to personally get informed about the progress made regarding human resources development in Timor-Leste and about the existing supporting mechanisms regarding professional training for national citizens.

This meeting between the Executive Secretary to FDCH, Isménio M. da Silva and H.E. the President of the Republic, Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, was also attended by the advisors to the Office of the President of the Republic, namely Dr. Roque Rodrigues, Dr. Aicha Basarewa, Mr. Harold and Ms. Filomena de Almeida and, from FDCH’s side, the Coordinator of GAFRHI, Ms. Leila Carceres and the Head of the Media and Public Relations Department, Mr. Antonio Febu.

Firstly, participants talked about the nature of the Fund itself and the way the general public and civil servants, including the GPR’s staff, are secured professional training. Participants have also talked about the possibility of using available funds to respond to study support requests from the general public.

“In this meeting we have discussed about the way the Office of the President of the Republic could, in coordination with FDCH, respond to the individual claims which were presented directly to the President in the beginning of his mandate”, said Mr. Isménio M. da Silva.

Mr. Isménio M. da Silva also said that within the State General Budget (SGB) there are $55,000 allocated to the training of GPR staff. Nevertheless, as yet, GPR has used 11% ($6,000) only, which means it is possible to transfer these funds (budget virement) and reallocate them to the Timorese students’ financial requirements, should this be a priority to GPR.

“From the technical point of view, we do have the mechanisms to secure the various priorities established by the State or by this Government in what comes to the development of human resources”, added the Executive Secretary to the FDCH.

In this same meeting, the President of the Republic also wanted to get acquainted with FDCH’s perspective in relation to the case concerning Timorese fellows studying in Cape Verde.

“What I can say is that on the 3rd of August 2017, MECAS and the Ministry of Education, H.E. Dr. Antonio da Conceição, as well as the FDCH’s team met with H.E. the Prime-Minister Dr. Rui de Aráujo, having informed the latter about the results obtained from the visit made to Cape Verde from 5 to 21 July 2017,” said Mr. Isménio.

FDCH has informed the President of the Republic about the fact that H.E. the Prime-Minister and the Minister of Education had agreed on sending an Officer (an assistant to the Attaché) to Cape Verde in order to monitor the students’ activities and secure all safety related issues, before any other decision.

In case the 19 students, out of 43, wish to return to Timor-Leste, they will be subject to a new scholarship application and merit-based selection process in order to be able to resume studies at another University in any other country.

The President of the Republic considers that it is very important to analyse this issue thoughtfully and that host Universities’ quality has to be secured in advance in the future, in line with H.E. the Ministry of MPIE’s position and advice, who has also questioned the quality of the national tertiary institutions.

H.E. the President of the Republic added that we must trust the Government – represented by H.E. the Prime-Minister – to assess this case. It will consider the state budget used to support these students’ studies as well as the relationship with Cape Verde, which is a friend of Timor-Leste and a partner within the CPLP. (Media FDCH)


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